Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome, and It Gets Better!

Hello!  I was recently told I would be a great blogger, so I decided to challenge that person and see if it were true.  Thus comes the beginning of my blog, the ramblings of a 20 something cat lady.  Yes, I am 20 something.  Yes, I am a cat lady that currently owns 2 cats, but probably will end up with 70 someday.  And I do ramble.  I have a lot to say.  A lot to vent about, and a lot to be cynical about.  So as I go through my life journey, I am going to embark on being honest and open about my life and my thoughts on society.  So here you go. 

I mostly get mad at the media.  Seriously, I blame the media for a lot of the shit that goes on in society.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  I am one lovely media whore.  I park myself in front of the television every chance I get, and I am constantly checking Facebook, CNN, Perez Hilton, and so many other websites, just to get the latest gossip.  But because I am such a frequent reader and intaker of media, I feel justified in complaining about it.

I hate with a passion the "It Gets Better" campaign.  I'm sorry.  If this offends you, I apologize.  But let me  explain my point before I become labeled a hater.  First of all, I love the idea of the campaign.  Celebrities, queer and non-queer, coming together to tell people that bullying is wrong.  Bullying is wrong.  And it has gone on long enough for people under the LGBTQ umbrella.  I will probably go on a rant someday about how being queer is not a choice; I will probably also go on a rant about why I like the word queer and not gay.  I will also probably go on a rant about how it's not "gay marriage," it's "same sex marriage."  But this is not the day.  Today I am focused solely on the "It Gets Better" campaign.

I like the concept of the campaign.  I like that it is pushing LGBTQ issues into mainstream media, and it is giving a face to people that have long been subordinated.  I like that people are coming out as LGBTQ and as advocates, and I love the acceptance and support.  I love it all, and I love the concept of the campaign, I truly do.

Here's my problem.  I hate the unspoken, implicit meaning of "it gets better."  Basically, it means "deal with the shit you are going through right now, because in the future, you won't have to deal with this same shit."  So.... deal with bullying and deal with hate speech and deal with feeling "less than" for the time being, and dream of the future when "it gets better."  Now, I know this is not the actual meaning of the campaign.  I know the messages that have come out from this campaign do not say that.

But here's my argument.  I bet about 95% of the American population has heard about the campaign, but only about 60% have actually seen the videos and read the messages.  That leaves a large group of people that only hear "it gets better," and only vaguely understand the concept of the campaign.  And the words "it gets better" come across as sit tight and dream of the future.  I argue that not all of the American population, or the world population, educates themselves enough with the media to actually understand and take the time to get to know the actual meaning of the campaign.  Therefore, it seems like the title and the little clips that are put out there in popular media have a huge responsibility of actually representing what the campaign stands for.

There is my argument.  I don't think the title matches the actual campaign purpose and mission.  Yes, things do get better.  But why wait for it?  Take an active role to actually do something about it and make it better now.  Maybe the real title should have been "make it better," or "Stand together," or something like that.  Because those focus on active current situations, instead of passive waiting for the future. 

Again, I love the concept of the campaign, and it is much needed.  The campaign has done so much. I just wish it had a better title.  But maybe I am too critical and too cynical.  But I also think the media has a huge responsibility, because of all of the media consumers.  Because of that, everything should be scrutinized and thought about critically before being pushed into the mass media and society. 

But those are just my ramblings. 

To end on a positive note, isn't my kitten adorable?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! It's lovely to see you here.

    I had that thought too when I first heard about the campaign. However, I am also a pretty cynical person.

    And yes, your cat is adorable!
