Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Two weeks ago was World Kindness Day.  I was going to post something.  I even started the blog.  But then life got in the way and I lost track of what I wanted to say and my thoughts about things.  So I apologize.  I am working on reclaiming myself, and I will never be late with a holiday again.

That being said, World Kindness Day.  A day to remember to be kind to everyone.  A day to understand that little things can make all the difference.  I would like to believe that every day is World Kindness Day, not just one day out of the year.

I often forget that it's the little things that make the difference.  An entire day can be changed with a smile.  A hug goes a really long way.  Dropping a little personal note means the world to some people.  I have been going through some emotional times lately, and it has really made me notice what kindness really can do. Buying me a milkshake or giving me a hug really almost made me cry, I was so thankful.  These things show that people care.  People take 2 seconds out of their day to make me feel better, and I am forever grateful.

And it's not just when I am feeling bad.  If I am in the happiest mood in the world, a smile from a stranger or a kind word will mean the world to me then too.  And then I am more apt to share and "pay it forward," if you will.  I don't think I'm alone in these feelings.

One of the coolest people I have ever got the chance to meet is Paul, the "Ripples" guy.  Paul started The Ripples Project, which you can learn more about here:  www.theripplesproject.org.  Now, as a student affairs person, I love this.  It may be corny to some.  However, the main points of this project is that small, random acts can ripple down into more, bigger, and greater things.  Paul sends out a weekly email every Monday to help motivate growth and passion to people to get through their week.  There are zillions of quotes on his website, and he is a dynamic speaker.  Basically, the key point is that small things make a huge difference.

I feel this is true in life.  The small things make a huge difference.  And with that, you can make a huge difference with little effort at times.  World Kindness Day is a day that reminds me to make a difference.  Smile at a stranger, offer a kind word, give positive reinforcement, and be a pleasant person. It has everything to do with making the world a better place.  If we all treated each other better, think of how happy everyone would be. 

Additionally, acts of kindness make the giver happy too.  I am a forever watcher of the television show "Friends," and there is one episode that always sticks out in my mind.  In it, the character Phoebe is challenged to do one act of kindness that does not benefit her as well.  If you have seen the episode, you know that she fails.  Everything Phoebe does gives her a warm feeling inside too, or benefits her in some ways.  And there's nothing wrong with that!  Kindness isn't just a give. Kindness radiates from within, and warms not only the person or people it is directed to, but us as well.  I know, I know, that's pretty corny.  But it's so true. 

Here's my challenge.  I challenge each of you who read this blog (so all 6 of you) to do one random act of kindness today and see if you can continue it for a week.  Just a small, random act of kindness.  Nothing big.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Just something small and random.  See what happens.  I am going to take the challenge too.  I need some positivity in my life right now, and I feel this challenge will be great for me.  And I feel it could be great for everyone.  So try it, what do you have to lose?

And finally, a picture of the sweetest little thing, that is always kind to me:

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